Alright, after several tries I managed to fix the console. It's not perfect and now sometimes certain sounds don't play or are cut off, but other than that it works... Off to Level 2...

Click on any photo you wish to enlarge!

The creepy music continues and I'm under attack right from the start. You can't tell by the picture, but as soon as the level loads, there's at least three zombiemen after you.

Oh boy, more colored lighting!

The dead imp that you saw in the previous picture was originally on the top of that platform. As soon as I got close to send it down, the imp started scratching me from the top of the platform!

This section used to have a computer, but I guess they decided to turn it into a little nook.

The room had a chaingunner and a green armor. I skipped the armor since I was well-equipped already...

On the wall opposite of the red locked door, you can open this wall to enter a secret area.

The switch opens another wall further on.

Going to the opposite side of the room, I go up the stairs and grab the red keycard. The red lights here are a little creepy.

If you've pressed that switch in the hidden room, you will easily spot the stairway leading to the outside. Beyond it lie a soulsphere, a couple chaingunners, and a chaingun.

Okay... Before I continue, I would like to address my complaint about the controls from the previous part. After beating level 1, I remembered the was the option to change them, and so I did. I'm still a little annoyed that the initial control scheme was set to tank controls, but I digress.

Let's see what lies beyond the red door.

A hallway and a little area to the right with sewage and a switch.

Pressing the switch opens this area.

I don't know if it's counted towards the secret count.

This corridor's a little creepy.....

Oh lovely, I can't see a thing. It wasn't that bad in the DOS version I don't think.

This wall between the two iron bars hides another secret room with a backpack.

...What's this?

Oh, it's the imp room.

This wall here opens up only if you shoot at it.

This wall here with the iron bar hides another secret room with some armor bonuses.

I forgot to take a photo of this room beforehand, but you find some more armor bonuses, a zombie soldier and a chaingunner, and the pillar with the chainsaw.

Ok, that should be all for that section, but before I continue, let me rewind a little...

This corridor had me feeling unsettled as soon as I saw it. I wasn't scared, though... Only..... Unsettled. Something about this corridor felt familiar. At first I assumed it was because my dad's workplace had similar sorts of dark concrete corridors, but no... This was different... Like from a dream.....

Which is something I'd like to adress about the level design in this port. Something about the way levels are set up makes them feel familiar, like from a dream or maybe a place I've been to as a kid... It's weird, but that's how they make me feel.

Anyway, I'm getting off- track.

Going down the corridor, then up some stairs leads us to the next secret area.

I don't think this _IS_ a "secret" area, but it still has some useful stuff.

Continuing past the sludge room leads us to an elevator. To the left is a wall with another secret.

Better be quick though, the room is full of baddies!

You can just jump from the secret area (at the top left in the photo) or go back and take the elevator if you so choose.

I like how the little imp alcoves are lit up.

After we press the switch, we enter a corridor with some stairs...

..And the exit.

Just like the last level, the exit room is bathed in blood- red lighting... Spooky...

And that takes care of the "Plant". My thoughts? Not as bad as I feared it would be. The presence of more chaingunners wasn't unexpected, but they felt kinda weak. I'm playing on "Ultra-Violence", but I barely got scratched and they go down really quickly.

Stay tuned for part 3.